Monday, October 29, 2012


How many people start a blog but never update it?  Chances are, I'm going to be one of them. I've been meaning to start a blog for quite a few years now and it's time I did!  I'm E, a 20 something East Coast transplant living in Chicago.  I moved to Chitown about 2 years ago for a job at a small corporate communications company.  After working for that company for about a month I knew it wasn't for me. One day I'll go into more detail but many tears and panic attacks later, I knew I needed a change as this job was breaking me down.  Luckily a company that I have wanted to work for since college had an open position.  I applied and lived happily ever after - HA!  I'm currently working for a sports television network in the Remote Operations department.  Pretty much we are responsible for making sure all the sporting events make it onto your tv.  I love my job, I really do but some days I question humanity.

So that's me in a nutshell!

My blog isn't going to have a theme, it's going to be able me and the little tidbits I experience every day.

Although I still am not good at coloring in the lines, I like rules.
    1.  No real names will be used.
    2.  Only general comments about my job will be made.
    3.  I'm not here to hurt feelings.  If I say something that offends you, I'm sorry in advance.
    4.  No politics, just vote kids!

Hurricane Sandy is giving my dear east coast a beating right now.  I've been seeing pictures on my friends' facebook updates of buildings ripped apart and streets flooded, and Sandy's just beginning!  I hope everyone back home is safe and dry.  I bet my dad regrets selling his canoe!

I work some long hours sometimes, but this has lately become my favorite time of the day.  At about 6pm the office has already emptied and the sunset is bouncing off the buildings, sometimes blinding me at my cube.

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